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About This Site

This site is designed to host the content of a book I have been working on for several years now, until I can finalize it and get it published. I do this in the hope it can be of use to someone, and get at least something produced, however initial the state. Also, hopefully it will spur me to overcome my hurdles and finish the work, which I have been struggling with for some time.

To find out more about the story of this work, you can check out the Introduction, where I talk more about the origin of the work, along with what inspired it and what it covers (though, the latter is in a very draft state due to changes both with the software being used and the plan of action, which has changed numerous times during the course of this work).

To find out more about me related to this work, you can check out the following sites:

I hope that you will find something useful in browsing the content on this site, and hope you will forgive me for the mess, which I am working to clean up as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Jamie E. Dimmel


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